Hysteresis Nutation Damper for Spin Satellite

Hamed Shahmohamadi Ousaloo*
Space Science Research Institute (SSRI), Tehran, Iran

© 2013 Hamed Shahmohamadi Ousaloo.

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Space Science Research Institute (SSRI), Tehran, Iran; Tel:+982177919668; Fax;+982177919668; Email:


Hysteresis dampers are commonly used in Passive magnetic Attitude Control System (PACS). In PACS these rods produce a damping torque and reduce the satellite angular momentum and angular velocity. In this paper, a spin satellite was investigated which utilizes a passive magnetic damper consisting of magnetic hysteresis rods aligned with principal axis or spin axis of satellite and de-tumbling of the satellite, and the pure spin was achieved.

An analytical model was presented to analyze hysteresis damper and a numerical simulation was performed to obtain dynamic properties of the spin attitude. In addition, assuming a dynamic imbalance, attitude behavior and damper effect on the spin rate of satellite were analyzed. The behavior of this passive magnetic stabilized satellite was simulated from the initial post separation phase.

Keywords: Hysteresis dampers, nutation damper, spin stabilization, dynamic imbalance, passsive magnetic attitude control system.